What’s new in BizCloud offline POS client version 300151?
- New
- add: kiosk mode will now shutdown computer when closed
- add: added update receipt button to POS main screen
- add: combined transaction snap shot setting into interface setting
- add: tendered field at POS main screen detect scanner entered value
- add: added new price type that calculates price of item based on cost
- add: total item onhand added to vendor item list
- add: added event list at shop layout
- Bug Fix
- bug fix: fixed a problem where login form reopening itself in kiosk mode upon being closed
- bug fix: fixed problem auto generating barcode in MySQL version
- bug fix: fixed problem opening 80mm payment type report in MySQL version
- bug fix: fixed problem barcode set still being displayed as selection at item even after deleted
- bug fix: removed automatically checked box when opening transaction page manually
- bug fix: fixed problem event not detecting overlapping time if both are exactly the same
- bug fix: improved overlapped time detection in events
- bug fix: fixed problem where selected layout countdown unit not selected after saved
- bug fix: camera setting for capture picture after each transaction no longer require restart
- bug fix: fixed an error when attempting to duplicate row in barcode printer
- bug fix: fixed problem getting correct weight when edit quantity on the fly is enabled
- bug fix: fixed missing newly added petty cash type
- bug fix: fixed problem initializing petty cash custom type on new setup
- bug fix: fixed problem ordering from XpressWaiter that records empty