What’s new in BizCloud offline POS client version 300149?
- New
- add: added support for barcode set when choosing to scan both mfg code and price code
- add: added key bind for top menu strip
- add: added setting to allow any mobile number without following format E.164
- add: barcode set form updated with feature to manage item barcode set
- add: added setting to disable grid edit
- add: added setting to disable search button at contact drop down
- Bug Fix
- bug fix: fixed problem saving discount percentage as value
- bug fix: fixed missing column remark in item list
- bug fix: fixed problem printing appended and deleted item
- bug fix: fixed display problem when creating events on some smaller monitor
- bug fix: fixed an error when saving new contact using XpressWaiter
- bug fix: fixed problem detecting decimal point in option price
- bug fix: fixed an occasional error pop up in second screen
- bug fix: fixed problem refreshing item after editing item added to item list
- bug fix: fixed problem hiding date and open by in main pos interface
- bug fix: fixed a problem causing price checker unable to find some items
- bug fix: fixed problem quick receiving items with Chinese characters