POS System Version 300191 Change Log [December 31, 2024]
What’s new in BizCloud offline POS client version 300191?
- New
- add: Added functionality to allow manually added prepaid credits to be removed during reset
- add: Added “All Members” category setting in item properties
- add: Made company name in vendor settings compulsory
- add: Added attendance clock button into the left bar of POS
- add: Added an option to limit RFID payments to a specified number of times per day
- add: RFID pay now works when receipt amount and balance are 0
- add: Added new fields in the “Edit Contact” section
- add: MFG code prefix can now be assigned and automatically generated based on category
- add: Added a compulsory category setting for generating MFG codes
- add: Tangent Mall upload function now records error strings of bad request errors
- add: Notification sound added upon successful check-in at attendance
- add: Unicode characters are now correctly saved in alerts
- add: Customer locker item dropdown list updated with a new grid layout
- add: Added previous and prescription data into jobsheet report designer dataset
- add: Added compulsory setting for unit when tendering receipts
- add: Added a function to right-click and copy item MFG codes directly from the POS main interface
- add: Added columns for discount and service charge into the receipt list report designer
- add: Added a function to scan fingerprints of customers to trigger prepaid payments
- add: Added a job sheet list to the report designer
- add: Added support for Share Commerce terminal payment methods
- add: Introduced an option to hide events in the calendar
- add: Added vendor-specific email reporting capabilities
- add: Introduced time-slot restrictions for RFID payments by contact
- add: Added postcode, city, state, and country fields to the invoice report designer
- add: Unique dropdown box in “Import Contact” is now saved between sessions
- add: Time can now be selected from reports in inventory
- Bug Fix
- bug fix: Fixed an error when importing queue numbers without a prior current number
- bug fix: Fixed problem loading saved settings from type in queue settings
- bug fix: Added index for table customer credit transaction for MySQL version to increase credit reset speed
- bug fix: Fixed error in prepaid reset when handling too many decimals
- bug fix: Refresh rate in queue setting can now be changed
- bug fix: Type setting in queue setting now loads list from server on the next restart after the server IP is set
- bug fix: Fixed an error when unticking load inventory automatically
- bug fix: HTML tags removed from item descriptions when adding to POS and during printing
- bug fix: Fixed problem with price that has been removed reappearing after updating an item
- bug fix: Fixed problem values multiplying in vendor items report when involving more than one batch
- bug fix: Fixed a problem in job Sheet where loading previous records will overwrite current records
- bug fix: Fixed BC and DIA not saved in previous records in optometry job sheet
- bug fix: Fixed an error when loading button image during login
- bug fix: Fixed problem where inactive customers can still make payments through RFID payment
- bug fix: Fixed problem with processing incorrect customers with the same name during prepaid and redeem functions